
What channels are available in HD?
We currently offer over 125 HD channels.  Please view our current channel lineup for a list of HD channels. ...
How much is HD for a Premium Channel such as HBO?
If you subscribe to a premium channel, such as HBO, you get HBO HD and HBO On Demand HD for FREE.  However, in order to get HBO HD you will need a converter or TiVo. ...
Are HD channels included with my TV subscription?
All HD channels are included at no additional cost with your subscription to the corresponding TV tier.  For example, all HD channels in the Classic Cable tier of service are included with the SD channels. ...
What is High-Definition Television (HDTV)?
High-Definition Television (HDTV) is a TV display technology that provides a higher picture and sound quality than standard TV.  HDTV  resolution is 6 times sharper than Standard Definition (SD).  In addition, the color resolution for HDTV is mor...
How much does Service Electric HD cost?
HD channels are included in all TV packages at no additional cost with a subscription to the corresponding tier.   We also offer a separate tier of HD only channels for an additional cost as part of our HD Plus tier.  Please visit our  channel line...
What do I need to get HDTV?
There are 3 main requirements in order to access HD channels and HD On Demand: 1.  A high-definition (HD) capable TV. 2.  A HD converter, HD/DVR converter, TiVo, or HD Digital Transport Adapter (DTA). 3.  A subscription...
How will my HDTV set handle Standard Definition TV programs?
The majority of HDTV sets can display a Standard Definition (480i)  signal.  If bars appear, you can select the Settings button on your TV's remote control twice to access the HDTV settings.  When the menu displays select the 480i Stretch setting,...